IDV wins 4 research and development projects within the EDF program


IDV wins 4 research and development projects within the EDF program

IDV has been awarded 4 research and development projects within the European Defense Fund (EDF) financed by EU for a total amount of more than €95 million by 2027. For the first time in its history, IDV played a leading role in one of the submitted research and development projects, coordinating the entire project called ARCHYTAS: a consortium of 22 public and private partners from 11 EEA countries that will receive €19.9 million to investigate non-conventional Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerators for defense applications, using novel technologies at the device and package level.

The EDF (European Defense Fund) is a key instrument of the European Commission for promoting cooperation in the defense sector through competitive and collaborative projects.

The approved projects will allow IDV to keep investing in a European partnership framework, together with outstanding companies and research institutes, accelerating the development of technologies aimed at improving operational efficiency and protecting soldiers by reducing their presence in critical contexts such as reconnaissance, force support, last-mile refuelling, medical support, and CBRN response.


IDV, a company of Iveco Group (EXM: IVG), is dedicated to delivering innovative automotive and protection solutions to meet the needs of military customers worldwide. The company manufactures specialist logistic, protected, and armoured vehicles in its facility in Bolzano in Northern Italy, as well as marketing IVECO’s full commercial range, adapted as necessary to meet the demands of the military user. In consequence, IDV has a full range of vehicles to meet a broad spectrum of defense applications.

Further information on our website:

Iveco Defense Vehicles S.p.A.

Via A.Volta 6

39100 Bolzano, Italia

Tel. +39 0471 905111

Fax +39 0471 905422

A socio unico

Direzione e coordinamento, ex art. 2497 c.c.: Iveco Group N.V.

Sede Legale Via A.Volta 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italia

Capitale sociale Euro 25.000.000 i.v.

C.F., P.IVA e n. reg. imprese Bolzano, 02854220213 – REA 211328


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