It’s Back To Basics For Two SOF Entrepreneurs…

NavElite, a Palm Harbor, FL company got its beginnings in October of 2010 when two former SOF operators decided to reinvent the wrist magnetic compass. Their experience in         Afghanistan and Iraq highlighted the need for a wrist worn compass that was easy to read, operate and visible in low or no light conditions. What emerged from that experience is the patented NavElite Backlit Magnetic Compass (BLMC).

The NavElite (BLMC) is not just a better mousetrap, everything from its Indiglo back-lighting to the markings on the face and shape of the needle was designed to make the compass fast and easy to use under any combat condition.

During an interview with Andy, a retired SOF NCO and former DELTA team member, I had an opportunity to swap stories with him. I was dismayed to hear from Andy that teams leaving for  an op may not have a single compass among them; relying solely on GPS. Which begs the questions, what happens if batteries die or you’re in a cave, building or dense forest? Andy’s view, one that I whole heartily agree with, is that a wrist compass should be part of every soldier’s or Marine’s kit. It’s as basic as MRE’s, socks and skivvies.

If demand for the NavElite BLMC is any indicator, Andy and his partner Carroll are off to a great start. In discussing the future, Andy and Carroll have plans for a slew of things; among them, a water resistant and dive version of the NavElite BLMC. They are also formulating plans for a training component to their business.

If you’re thinking about getting one, DO NOT let grass grow under your feet – at an M.S.R.P of $79.99 they are moving fast! As I understand it, a large part of their July production is nearly sold out, so get your order in here  

If you hunt, fish, hike, camp, geocache or simply need a cardinal reference readily available NavElite is your ticket. Long after your GPS and smartphone die, NavElite will be there to get you home.


To place things into perspective for you. On a 3 kilometer infil or hike, a mere 5º error in your track means that you’ll miss your destination or rally point by just over 300 meters. If you happen to be in a wooded are, your probably won’t even know that you missed it. That’s the importance of a quality, easy to use compass.

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4 Responses to It’s Back To Basics For Two SOF Entrepreneurs…

  1. Sara DePauw says:

    Great article!


  2. centcomsurvivor says:

    I was able to check these out at SOFIC and its a great piece of equipment.


  3. Rain says:

    Absolute necessity, along with training on the use and collaboration between the compass and GPS.


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