Military Hardware Wins The Improved Modular Tactical Holster (IMTH) Contract For The U.S. Army

xstholsterpdf-adobereaderA few month’s back we reported that the U.S. Army had down selected, two holster systems to meet the requirements for the Improved Modular Tactical Holster (IMTH) initiative. Edge Works Manufacturing’s G-Code’s XST (Extreme Service Tactical) and Blackhawk’s SERPA Tactical Holsters competed for that business. The U.S. Army formally announced on 6 Feb 2014 that Military Hardware, who teamed with Edge Work Manufacturing to supply the G-Code XST (Extreme Service Tactical) holster, has been awarded the $49 million IDIQ contract to supply the G-Code holster. The XST holster, with the RTI technology, is a flexible and configurable system that will meet the U.S. Army’s current and future requirements.

Congratulations to Military Hardware and Edge Works Manufacturing on their success. The IDIQ contract will run for five years.

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